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  • Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively
  • Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences
  • Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience
  • Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

Investigation: the process of planning prom began by class meetings which consisted of lots of arguments and disagreements as everyone was extremely opinionated. Eventually, as the month of May began to get closer, our class became more effective. The class was divided into several groups which included activities, music, sashes, and more. Once the groups were divided, each group made their own group chat or had some form of effective communication. Each groups were given 1or 2 leaders so that everything was more organized. One of the first things we did as a class was also decide on the theme and name for prom, which we ended up using the name 'carpe noctem' meaning 'seize the night'. 


Preparation: I was the leader of the activities group alongside Shaafi. To prepare for prom, we first created a group chat on messenger to effectively communicate with one another. Then, as a group we decided on games we'd play such as a Wells bingo, the newspaper dance game, and more. Then, we divided the jobs as we needed someone to print the bingos, to get the newspaper, etc. As a group we decided on the bingo ideas as well. 


Action: On the day of prom, we were quite ready. I remember our group was in the backstage room cutting up the bingo papers last minute, nothing new with our class. However, as we worked together everything was done rather quickly. A few hours before prom, I received a message from one of the student council members that Shaafi and I needed to host the activities section of prom. We had no script and a few hours to prepare. Not only that, we similarly realized last minute that we forgot to get pens/pencils for bingo, and to solve that issue we decided on using toothpicks as a way to cut off the things they've done. Everything was quite hectic, and a little underprepared however we were able to use our problem solving skills effectively so that everything went smoothly!


Reflection: prom night was hectic. Prom preparation was hectic. The fact that our classmates are all opinionated made it a little difficult as everyone believed their ideas were better. When we started working together as a class, things were much easier and faster. However, I believe everything went quite well. Despite little mistakes such as completely forgetting about pens and pencils, we were able to find a solution and everyone ended up having fun. I realized that if I were ever to do this again, it's extremely important to think about little details and to make something like a plan or a list of things that I could check off so that no mistakes would occur and I'd be 100% prepared. I also realized I have a strength as I'm able to think of things impromptu when needed, and I believe I have creative ideas when it comes to planning. I also showed commitment and worked with my group mates, classmates, and co-leader in order to make prom a night to remember. 


Demonstration: overall, prom was an experience. It was one of the chances we got to work together as a class in order to make an unforgettable night for the seniors who we love and appreciate. Despite the misunderstandings, disagreements, confusions, irresponsibilities, we still worked together and made an amazing night. I'm extremely proud of myself and of my classmates for collaboratively solving problems and for working so extremely hard to create prom! â€‹



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