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  • Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

  • Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

  • Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process


Piano has been a part of my life for about 10 years now (if not more). A few years ago, I stopped taking classes but continued to practice at home. However, when school started getting busy in sophomore year, I slacked off and barely practiced. Last year, my parents kept pushing me to practice again as they wanted to hear my play the piano, so I decided to start playing again. In the beginning, it was definitely a little challenging as my fingers weren't moving as smoothly as they did before but I continued to play for months until I felt as if I got my skills back. Since then, about every 2 weeks I learn a new song and play it on the piano. Comparing myself to years ago, I've improved immensely in the sense that I am able to learn a song in an hour or two whereas I used to take weeks to learn one song. Piano (as well as dance) is something I've been committed to for many, many years and I don't think I can ever lose my love for this instrument. 

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