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  • Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences


  •  Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

This was my third year in the school football team and my second year in the varsity team. This year was definitely a rocky one as many of the team members were extremely busy due to external factors. However, we still worked really hard and managed to do pretty well. By this year, I felt as if my dribbling and defending skills had started to become worse due to lack of practice so I remember being demotivated and doubting myself before every match. But, I knew that self doubt would get me nowhere and certainly wouldn't help us win any matches so I decided to push that away and play as well as I could. Looking back, I can tell I didn't play as well as I did 2 years ago but I'm proud of myself for pushing through the uncertainties I had. 

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