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Donation for gift of happiness

  • Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively
  • Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience
  • Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

Throughout 11th grade, my friends and I hosted bake sales in order to raise money. First we had a bake sale where we baked our own goods and sold them at school. Another time, we bought goodies such as donuts and sold them at the art exhibition. Then, on 13th May 2019, my 2 friends and I decided to donate the money. The place we planned to donate to, Gift of Happiness, said that they would prefer things like stationaries. So, on that day, we head to Tesco after school and used the money we collected to buy stationaries and toys worth 1035 baht. Then, we wandered of to a German bakery, Bei Otto. The staff at gift of happiness informed us that we had to give our donations to the staff at Bei Otto. After getting lost and a lot of walking, we found the place and gave the kind lady our donations. Then, the woman let the chef sign us a little thank you card. This may have been a small donation however I felt so genuinely happy after giving it, knowing that I was possibly making a child happier. This would never have worked out if not for the collaboration between my friends and I, and I'm so glad we got the opportunity to work together on this and hopefully bring a smile onto a child's face.

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