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  • Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

During Songkran break in April, I travelled with my family to Vietnam. We took a 6 hour car ride to Sapa, which is a small mountain town. Sapa is known for its hiking trails. One of the days, we decide to hike at the Love Waterfall. We made a slightly wrong decision to go at 5pm, where the sun was already beginning to set. However, it was an experience. The weather was amazing, but the trail was super rocky and we even saw a few snakes here and there. It was extremely tiring -- I have hiked before but this was much more tiring as it was quite a long hike. I remember on the way back, we turned on music while hiking back, and it made the entire experience much more enjoyable. Towards the middle, I thought I wouldn't be able to finish it but I'm glad I didn't give up and continued until I completed it. 

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